Wellness Membership
Body Rhythms Wellness Membership is perfect for individuals who want to incorporate massage therapy into their regular health and wellness program.
Our Wellness Membership makes a great gift for those needing to relax, reduce stress, relieve tension or alleviate body pain on a regular basis.
Membership Benefits and Rates
Single Membership $79
Couples Membership $155
Additional 60 minute sessions $74
Additional 90 minute sessions $118.50
Includes one 60 minute Massage each month
15% off of all other services and products, (excluding gift cards)
Free Aromatherapy upgrade during their birthday month
Monthly massages roll-over for a period of 6 months
Ability to apply Monthly Massage to a higher value service
Ability to apply multiple unused Monthly Massages toward a longer service or a higher value service
Membership is month-to-month with no time commitment
Monthly 60 Minute Massage session can be used towards a Reiki session with no upgrade charge
-NEW- 10% off all pricing options at our sister business, Sila Wellness- Use code provided by BRM staff www.silawellness.com
Please apply in person to join our membership program.